Marine Stewardship Council, Baltic Sea Region & Scandinavia. Member of EU-Parliament & First Vice Chair FISH 2014-2019. Rapporteur climate justice EU.


Profile page - Jytte GUTELAND - Profile page of a current Member of the European Parliament - History of parliamentary service during the 8th legislative term including memberships in political groups, national parties, parliamentary committees and delegations as well as parliamentary activities and the declaration of financial interests.

Jytte Guteland finns på Facebook Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Jytte Guteland och andra som du känner. Med Facebook kan du dela ditt liv Jytte Guteland: Dålig luft skördar flest liv i världen Varje år dör 8 000 svenskar av sjukdomar till följd av dålig luft. Värst är problemen i Malmö, Västra Hagen i Kungsbacka och Växjö. Jytte Guteland (S) är EU-parlamentets huvudrapportör för förslaget om en ny klimatlag och därmed den som i första hand ska försöka hitta enighet om parlamentets linje. När hon nu presenterar sitt utgångsförslag vill hon skärpa målen direkt.

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“We did it! 60% did win!” said Jytte Guteland, a Swedish MEP from the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group, who was the Parliament rapporteur on the proposed European Climate Law. We did it! 60% did win! Now we take the climate policy to a higher level! Thank you EP for givning me that mandate. European Parliament Committee responsible Rapporteur Appointed ENVI Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (Associated committee) GUTELAND Jytte Shadow rapporteur MCGUINNESS Mairead TORVALDS Nils LIMMER Sylvia BLOSS Michael ZALEWSKA Anna MODIG Silvia 05/03/2020 Committee for opinion Rapporteur for opinion Appointed

I går firade Jytte Guteland att hon valts till ny SSU-ordförande. Men så sent som i vintras blev hon änka, bara 27 år gammal. – Det är fortfarande väldigt nära, säger hon om sorgen

The European Parliament's Rapporteur, Jytte Guteland, has tabled an amendment to change the EU 2030  7 Oct 2020 said Jytte Guteland, a Swedish MEP from the Socialists and who was the Parliament rapporteur on the proposed European Climate Law. 10 Sep 2020 about the new EU climate law. Lead rapporteur MEP Jytte Guteland expects that most MEPs will support at least 60-percent target for 2030. 12 Oct 2020 Jytte Guteland, a Swedish social democrat, the Parliament's rapporteur on the issue, celebrated the 60% target's narrow passage - 352 votes in  26 Jun 2020 Therefore we asked the Swedish MEP Jytte Guteland (S, S&D) some questions. Jytte Guteland.

7 Oct 2020 said Jytte Guteland, a Swedish MEP from the Socialists and who was the Parliament rapporteur on the proposed European Climate Law.

Profile page - Jytte GUTELAND - Home– Vi svenska socialdemokrater valde att rösta för betänkandet om de allmänna riktlinjerna för utarbetandet av budgeten för 2022, avsnitt III – kommissionen.

The opinion was presented alongside a high-level debate on the European Green Deal, the EU's growth strategy to reach climate-neutrality by 2050. On 15 June, the CoR launched the working group 'Green Deal Going Local'. Guteland (rapporteur), if passed “it will be a time-defining moment” 11:47 GREETINGS Vatican Pope Francis: audience, “take the Rosary in your hands every day, in this time of pandemic”. Among those reacting to the news was Jytte Guteland, an MEP and the European Parliament's rapporteur on the European Climate Law. Swedish Social Democrat MEP Jytte Guteland, who is the leading rapporteur on the EU's new climate law, said in her report that the 2030 target should be at least 65 percent. The Parliament’s decision was part of a wider vote on a proposed European Climate Law, which seeks to pass the EU’s goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050 into law. Jytte Guteland, the “This is a historic moment,” claimed Jytte Guteland, a Swedish MEP who was the parliament’s rapporteur on the proposed Climate Law. Guteland said the climate law is indeed the cornerstone of the European Green Deal as it enshrines in the legislation the EU’s objectives to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest. “We did it!
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Jytte Guteland: Dålig luft skördar flest liv i världen Varje år dör 8 000 svenskar av sjukdomar till följd av dålig luft. Värst är problemen i Malmö, Västra Hagen i Kungsbacka och Växjö.

När hon nu presenterar sitt utgångsförslag vill hon skärpa målen direkt. Sjöfarten måste bli bättre på miljöarbete och få ner utsläppen, enligt Europaparlamentarikern Jytte Guteland (S). – Av självbevarelsedrift borde det här vara det stora samtalsämnet i Men Jytte Guteland avfärdar kritiken.

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“We did it! 60% did win!” said Jytte Guteland, a Swedish MEP from the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group, who was the Parliament rapporteur on the proposed European Climate Law. We did it! 60% did win! Now we take the climate policy to a higher level! Thank you EP for givning me that mandate.

Joined March Today, led by our rapporteur @RCorbettMEP, we won our battle for more transparency in the EU institutions. Rapporteur Sustainable Management of the EU External Fishing Fleet. Chair of high-level delegations to Thailand, Mauritania and ICCAT. Member of the EU  Jytte Guteland. Politician.